Thursday, March 8, 2012

Getting in Shape

Alright so lets face it. most of us aren't happy with what we look like. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just telling the truth. No matter how much we work out or try to stay in shape, women always want to look like that 17 year old girl who doesn't have to care about what she eats or how much she has to run in a day.  My roommates and i have been trying to increase our workout habits gradually so that we STOP packing on the pounds that college has given us.

College can be a very cruel place for young women. i know this!  when they say freshman 15 is only a rumor. they are SO WRONG!  last year during my freshman year i was given a 1700 dollar meal plan and had to spend it all in one semester or it would be thrown away. So of course, the main goal was to not let that money go to waste. But who knew that college food courts have some of the unhealthiest food made?!  I mean it was fast food every meal, every day.

A year and 13 pounds later I realized that i need to get my body back into shape before that bikini season rolls around. i've tried a couple of different workout plans but in the end I decided to just go with my own put together with one my mom uses.

warm up
20-30 min on treadmill (started off alternating walking/running until i could run the full time)

Strength building (reps x times repeated)
15x3 bench press.
15x3 row boats
15x3 squats
30x2 calf raises
15x2 bicep curls (12.5 lb weight)
15x2 2 arm tricep extension (10 lb weight)  put it behind your head and lift up
15x2 shoulder press (10 lb weight)
15x2 side leg raise (hold 10 lb weight at hip and lift leg sideways)

The key is to build up your strength. start with small amount of weights and work your way up!  here's a fast one for when i'm in a hurry or just take a day off of the long workout.  I really love this because it pushes me hard but its a short, fast workout!


Now is the best time to start getting into shape to fit into that cute bikini that you want to buy! 
Until next time, 

Braid it.

1. The fishtail braid: 


2. The waterfall braid:

                                                waterfall french braid

3.  Dutch french braid

                                                  dutch french braid

4. The "over-the-shoulder" braid

bang braid

Those are some of your traditional and popular braids. here are some more.... unique ones :)

Braids, braids, braids!

         braids             Beautiful french braid

Reverse French Braid           braid headband

I'm just so into braids that i would share with you some of my favorite ones.  if you would like to see a tutorial on any of them please comment. i'll gladly create a video of the steps!  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dinosaur Eggs.

My sister and i like to go home and visit the parents every once in a while. Every time we do make the trip home, our mom is so generous to buy us groceries!  Well, this past weekend when we went grocery shopping, I saw something that i used to love and enjoy when i was a little girl. Of course i could not pass up buying it!

I had forgotten just how much i loved these things!  I know, i sound like a little kid. But its no different than the next 20 year old watching Disney movies (wait, i do that too...)

What a great way to start my morning by having a nice bowl of brown sugar, dinosaur egg oatmeal.  Maybe I've just been clueless to the fact that they still make these or they are starting to sell them again? if you still buy these faithfully for your kids, or yourself, leave a comment and let me know. Do you enjoy them?

Until next time!  Jess

Monday, March 5, 2012

Try, try again

So i've tried and tried to start a blog but have just drawn a blank! So i'm taking that faithful leap into the unknown and just starting to write about anything that i can think of.  It might not be much on some days,  but hey, i'm gonna give it a shot!

First i figured you would like to know a little about the person writing this! My name is Jessica, middle name Lauren.  I'm 20 years old, and in 8 months it will be the big 2-1 birthday! (but who's counting...)  I have a comfortable sized apartment with my sister and her best friend.  If you are wondering WHY THE HELL would i room with my sister? Well its simple, even though sisters fight, they have close moments also. We seem to get along 75% of the time. 

I absolutely love sports, makeup, shopping, photography,.... pretty much anything a girl would like! but my secret that very few know about me? i'm a closet geek.  I own my own xbox 360 and kinect.  I play cod (call of duty) and skyrim faithfully when i'm not studying or working.  i also play runescape periodically on the computer, thanks to my boyfriend!

I'm currently majoring as a vet tech and it is a love/hate relationship. i absolutely love animals and helping animals and saving them, but  the classes i'm taking sometimes frustrate me and make me question my ability to finish the program. But i am staying strong, thanks to the help of my friends, family, and boyfriend.

Just a little recap on my life with my significant other, Matt.  Him and i will have been together for 4 years in June.  We have DEFINITELY had our rough patches.... our disagreements and our tiffs. but we've lasted through all of that and even though only God knows my future, i truly hope and believe that he is the one for me.  Don't worry, i wont go all sappy on you! lol

Matt is currently the valedictorian of his senior class in high school. (yes, i know, robbing the craddle) p.s we are only a year and 10 months apart. ANYYYWHOO.... he has a 4.0 gpa and 31 act score.  if that isnt perfect then i dont know what is.  He is constantly pushing me to be the best that i can be and to get the best grades.  Without his persistence i would not be where i am today. 

Hopefully this tells you a little about me. dont be afraid to ask questions! i'm open for anything. if you would like to request something that i should blog about just let me know. :)

Till next time,  Jess